Mass Times
& Confession
Queen of Angels | Port Angeles
Sunday Mass
Vigil | Sat. 5:00 pm
Sunday | 8:30 am
Daily Mass
Wednesday | 9:30 am
Friday | 9:30 am (School Mass)
Wednesdays | 10:00 – 11:00 am
Saturdays | 3:00 – 4:00 pm
Confessions are heard in the church.
St. Joseph | Sequim
Sunday Mass
Sunday | 11:00 am & 1:00 pm
Spanish Mass | Every 3rd Sunday
Daily Mass
Thursday | 9:30 am
Saturday | 9:30 am
Tuesday | 11:00 am
Saturday | 3:00 – 4:00 pm
Confessions are heard in the church.
St. Anne | Forks
Sunday Mass
Vigil (español) | Sat. 6:00 pm
Sunday | 8:30 am
Daily Mass
Wednesday | 12:00 pm
Thursday | 12:00 pm
Saturday | 11:00 am
Saturdays | 4:30 pm
Confessions are heard in the church.
St. Thomas | Clallam Bay
Sunday Mass
Sunday | 11:00 am
& Office Hours
Queen of Angels | Port Angeles
Office Hours
Monday | 9:00 am – 3:30 pm
Tuesday | 9:00 am – 3:30 pm
Wednesday | 9:00 am – 3:30 pm
Thursday | 9:00 am – 3:30 pm
Friday | 9:00 am – 3:30 pm
209 W. 11th St.
Port Angeles, WA 98362
Phone: (360) 452-2351
Fax: (360) 452-1447
St. Joseph | Sequim
Office Hours
Monday | 9:00 am – 2:00 pm
Tuesday | 9:00 am – 2:00 pm
Wednesday | 9:00 am – 2:00 pm
Thursday | 9:00 am – 2:00 pm
Friday | 9:00 am – 2:00 pm
121 E. Maple St.
Sequim, WA 98382
Phone: (360) 683-6076
Fax: (360) 683-4674
St. Anne | Forks
Office Hours
Wednesday | 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Thursday | 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Tues – Fri. | by appointment
Physical: 511 5th Ave.
Mailing: PO Box 2359
Forks, WA 98331
Phone: (360) 374-9184
After hours, call: (360) 452-2351
St. Thomas | Clallam Bay
Office Hours
No office. Church address noted below for those wishing to attend Sunday Mass.
52 Pioneer St.
Clallam Bay, WA
Phone: (360) 374-9184
After hours, call: (360) 452-2351
& Quick Links
Quick Links & Forms
Emergency Line: (360) 809-6907 (for emergencies involving death or dying only)
Funeral Masses
- St. Joseph | 11:00 am, Thursday, Feb. 6 | In memory of Mike McAleer | (9:30am Mass CANCELLED)
- Queen of Angels | 11:00 am, Friday, Feb. 7 | In memory of Bill Trodahl | Reception to follow.
- St. Mary, Star of the Sea | Weekday Daily Mass & Confession CANCELLED during Fr. Gali's absence, Jan. 14 - Feb 13. Some Mondays will be available; please consult the bulletin or this spot for updates. Adoration to continue on Fridays from noon till 8:00pm.
Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary
Entrust yourself to Mary’s care on your journey to the heart of Jesus. Join us for a 33-day preparation for an Act of Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary.
Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM of the Montfort Missionaries, will guide us through five sessions, with a 40-min. video followed by brief discussion (~90 min. total). A book by Fr. Gillespie ($10), guides participants through this powerful devotion from St. Louis de Montfort, with daily guided at-home prayer and reflection between each session.
Five in-person classes alternate between Queen of Angels in Port Angeles, and St. Joseph in Sequim. The series concludes with an Act of Consecration on Tuesday, Mar. 25, after the noon Mass at St. Joseph.
- QA | 5:30 pm, Mon. Feb. 17
- SJ | 5:30 pm, Mon. Mar. 3
- QA | 5:30 pm, Mon. Mar. 10
- SJ | 5:30 pm, Mon. Mar. 17
- QA | 5:30 pm, Mon. Mar. 24
- SJ | Consecration | After the noon Mass, Tues. Mar 25
Partners in Excellence Fund Drive
Queen of Angels School needs your support!
Checks can be made out to Queen of Angels School (marked PIE in the memo), and dropped off at or mailed to any of the parish offices.
Or give online by clicking the yellow button below. (Under Fund, please select “108-Partners in Excellence” from the drop-down menu.)
We are blessed to serve our kids and our community; thank you for partnering with us in our mission!
Town Hall Meeting | Fri. Jan. 24
Hear ye, hear ye! Join us in Port Angeles at Queen of Angels for the next monthly town hall meeting, our parish community Q&A. Ask questions about Partners in the Gospel changes, give feedback, and get solid answers from our pastor, Fr. Jacob Maurer.
(Listen to previous meetings in the Pastoral Updates section below.)
All parishioners from across our Olympic Catholic parish family are welcome!
There will be no Town Hall meeting during December.
QA | Town Hall Mtg. | 6:30 – 8:00 pm, Friday, Feb. 28
QA | Youth & Young Adults
Youth Nights
Come join us for sports, activities, and community. Grow in your faith and get questions answered. Snacks always provided!
QA | Middle & HS Youth Nights | Fridays, 6:30-8:30 pm | Mary Rm.
Young Adult Group
Want to grow in your faith life? Join us for fellowship, food, and riveting faith discussions. (Young adults, college age and up.) Email for more info.
QA | Young Adults Group | Wednesdays, 6:30 – 8:30pm | Mary Rm.
Eucharistic Adoration
St. Joseph
- Tuesdays @ 6:00 – 7:00 pm
Queen of Angels
- Fridays after 9:30 am Mass until noon.
St. Anne
- Wednesdays after 12:00 pm Mass.
QA Vespers & Community Nights
Queen of Angels. We begin with Evening Prayer, or Vespers. Then we enjoy each other’s company over board games and light snacks. All ages are welcome! Starts at 6:00 pm. Vespers is at 6:15 pm, and ends by ~6:30 pm. The evening extends till 9:00 pm; guests are welcome to arrive or depart whenever they wish.
Bring a snack or drink to share if you’re able! Coffee, tea, & hot cocoa provided.
Dec. 24 & 31 CANCELLED for Christmas/New Year’s Eve. See you on Jan. 7, 2025!
QA | Vespers & Community Night | Tuesdays, 6:00 – 9:00 pm | St. Anne Rm.
Prayers for the Departed
Queen of Angels & St. Joseph Purgatorial Society
Click here to submit names of your loved ones for prayers at First Friday Masses, or to join our parishes’ prayer apostolate, the Purgatorial Society.
Get to Know Our Pastor
Fr. Jacob Maurer
Fr. Maurer invites us to get to know him better! Please visit his website, where he shares his heart and reflects on his thoughts and plans for our new parish family and the ongoing Partners in the Gospel diocesan efforts. Read more about him here: About Fr. Maurer

Olympic Catholic Town Hall Meetings
Fr. Maurer will be hosting a monthly parish family Town Hall Meeting, which will rotate locations between parishes. This is an opportunity for any parishioner from any of our family of parishes to come and ask questions about the Partners in the Gospel process and to give feedback about changes or ask questions and get solid answers.
The audio from these Q&A sessions will be posted on our YouTube channel. The most recent four are below; older sessions archived here.
Town Hall - St. Mary Star of the Sea - Nov. 22, 2024
Highlights from this session (bilingual):
- Updates about the parish family
- Changes to the Saturday vigil Mass & confession schedules
- Changes to the monthly priest rotation schedule
- Big celebrations in December
- Updates on the roof work at Saint Mary Star of the Sea
- Could arrangements be made for a kneeler section in front of the sanctuary during communion?
- For confessions at Saint Mary Star of the Sea, could we invite other priests who might speak Spanish more fluently?
- Is my confession valid if the priest doesn’t understand?
- Will you be meeting with parents to talk through the possibility of moving faith formation away from Sundays?
- Could we use Latin to bring our different language-speaking communities together?
- Would it be possible to invite Spanish-speaking priests for much-needed catechetical instruction?
- Why do Catholics not celebrate Halloween?
Click here to read more on Fr. Maurer’s blog, complete with links to deeper explanations, magisterial documents, and more.
Town Hall - St. Joseph - Oct. 25, 2024
Highlights from this session:
- General parish family updates
- When are we supposed to stand at the “Orate, fratres” (“Pray, brethren”) at Mass?
- Are there any plans about ramps or elevators at Saint Joseph parish?
- Update on the timeline of the kitchen remodel at Saint Joseph parish
- Which relic do we have here at St. Joseph parish? A brief overview of the consecration of altars and of bells
- Priests are often together for the school Mass; would the pastor consider spreading priests out to maximize First Friday Mass availability?
- Why can’t we have the sign of peace at daily Mass?
- What is the response of the priest when people come up with their arms crossed at communion? And would it be better for people who are not receiving communion to remain in the pew?
- Will we still have a Christmas Eve, midnight, and Christmas day Masses?
- Liturgical calendars are coming to our parish family website – but they are currently available in beta form at Father Maurer’s website.
- Why does the tabernacle have a cover over it?
- When are the Divine Praises supposed to be prayed at Benediction at the end of adoration?I
- s there a reason we don’t have an adoration chapel at Saint Joseph parish?
- It was nice, recently, to have the homily offered in both English & Spanish – could this be done in the future?
Click here to read more on Fr. Maurer’s blog, complete with links to deeper explanations, magisterial documents, and more.
Town Hall - Queen of Angels - Sept. 27, 2024
Highlights from this session:
- Why aren’t we haven’t blessings for children and non-Catholics during communion time at Mass?
- What about having a special blessing for those who can’t/don’t receive after Mass?
- Are there plans to offer some kind of special opportunity for students of public schools to serve as ministers at Mass?
- Further concerns/questioning about blessings at communion time
- What about putting off changing and putting the question to the bishop?
- Is the question of blessings at communion doctrine or discipline?
- Didn’t the family Mass – that aimed at including children & young adults participating as ministers – end up with the same people volunteering over and over?
- Especially given issues of disruptions at Mass by mentally ill and/or homeless visitors, could we establish security teams at our parishes?
- Question about starting new initiatives for adult faith formation
- Would it be possible to keep vigil Masses at both Queen of Angeles and Saint Joseph?
- Why couldn’t we have two vigil Masses on Saturday?
- Is it possible to have a Sunday Mass at 5:00 pm?
- Questions/concerns about the possibilities of what three Masses on Sunday might look like
- Concern about Sunday evening Mass being a priest-killer
- How is the chancery addressing priestly vocation discernment?
Click here to read more on Fr. Maurer’s blog.
Town Hall - St. Anne - Aug. 24, 2024
Highlights from this session:
- If an elderly or handicapped person can’t come up for communion, what are the options for the Eucharist being brought to them?
- What is the parish family’s new emergency number? (360) 809-6907
- Can we put the confessional (at St. Anne in Forks) back up front?
- We’re excited about what you’re doing, but what happens in 2-3 years if you (the pastor/priests) get moved?
- What can you tell us about the current stage of discernment around the vigil Mass at St. Anne?
- What about training for liturgical & ministerial training for the various roles?
- What happened to the answers & results of the questionnaires from the archdiocese that we took so much time to answer?
- Could we have petty cash at the parish office (at St. Anne) in order to offer help to those who come to our door looking for help?
- Do we have to call up the office at Queen of Angels in Port Angeles to arrange for Mass intentions at our local parish?
- What about printing our bulletin locally to allow for more flexibility?
- Currently, how can a parishioner arrange for a Mass intention? (bonus: explanation of upcoming online calendar publishing coming to our parish family)
Click here to read more on Fr. Maurer’s blog.

Queen of Angels Catholic School
Port Angeles, WA
Welcome back, students!
Click the button on the right to download the school’s weekly newsletter.
Partners in the Gospel UPDATES
Partners in the Gospel is a strategic pastoral planning effort taking place across the Archdiocese of Seattle to re-invigorate and renew our local Catholic Church. Starting July 1, 2024, the 136 parishes in the Archdiocese of Seattle will become 60 parish families, with eight stand-alone parishes. Each parish family is led by a pastor or pastoral coordinator, assisted by two parochial vicar(s) in our case. Over the next three years, each parish family will work to form one new canonical parish, while creatively re-envisioning how they will serve their community.
- Archbishop Etienne’s JULY Pastoral Letter English | Spanish
- Visit the Archdiocese’s Partners in the Gospel page
Our Parish Family
- Our parish family includes St. Joseph in Sequim; St. Anne in Forks, St. Thomas the Apostle mission in Clallam Bay, St. Mary Star of the Sea in Port Townsend, and Queen of Angels in Port Angeles.
- Over the next three years, the four churches and mission will come together to eventually become one canonical parish. (This does not necessarily mean just one church building.)
- Our pastors consult with the Archdiocese on any changes to Mass times, councils, services, staffing, etc.
What parishioners can do
- Continue to pray for this renewal effort, and specifically pray for the members of our new parish family. Look to what role you can play in making our new parish family succeed.
- Lastly, please stay engaged:
- Sign up for the Partners in the Gospel UPDATE newsletter (scroll to the bottom of that page to sign up).
- Read Northwest Catholic magazine (registered parishioners receive this subscription for free; you can also read online)
- Participate in upcoming prayer and fellowship opportunities.
- If you have questions or comments about this process, please visit the Partners in the Gospel website – Check here and in the bulletin for updates, or contact office with questions or comments:(360)457-2351 or email
2022/23 Annual Impact Report
Archbishop Paul Etienne reminds us, “Your local Catholic Church is actively sharing Christ with others in many ways – seen and unseen. In these pages, you’ll see the annual financials as part of our commitment to transparency, but you’ll also read stories about how our ministries have positively impacted people’s lives.” See God in action through His Church in Western Washington!Download/print the PDF using the button below.
Called to Serve as Christ Campaign
Begun in 2019, this campaigns funds retirement and medical needs of priests and women religious, and supports individual parishes in our Archdiocese. Starting in Oct. 2020, a three-year pledge period began. Each parish will receive a share of funds donated.
Thank you so much for your generosity! With their share, Queen of Angels will upgrade the school heating; St. Joseph will make needed remodels to the rectory. Click the button below to learn more or add your pledge today!
Your Vote Matters!
Click the link below to access the current WA State Catholic Conference’s Advocacy Bulletin, and keep abreast of current legislative activity in our state. You may also sign up to have the bulletin emailed to you as it is released during legislative sessions throughout the year. - Subscribe Today!
Catholic Media, Online & On Demand
FORMED is an online streaming service which offers a huge variety of films,
TV programs, Bible studies, audiobooks and teaching talks, eBooks, and more.
FORMED has a growing collection of content in Spanish, too!
Click to sign up below, enter Clallam Catholic or 98362, and your name and email to subscribe. Once you have validated your account, you can access the content from a web browser, a phone or tablet, or even an app on your smart TV. Click the Watch Tutorials button below to find out how!
Subscribe to Flocknote & Stay Informed
Choose your home parish below to get started, or text QASJ to 84576
Be sure to respond to the confirmation email to complete your registration.
Click here to watch a brief video tutorial on how to manage your Flocknote account.
Our prayer request form is intended to strengthen our parish family, however, we value our parishioners' privacy. Medical concerns in particular are protected by privacy law. For this reason, we require that all requests be made by the parishioner personally or with their consent. Please provide your details below so we might contact you to verify permissions.
Mass Schedule Changes This Week
Our local Coast Guard station has requested the presence of Fr. Randy Guarino for a "Change in Command" observance. Therefore:
- Queen of Angels | MASS CANCELLED Wed. June 28, 12:00 pm