Queen of Angels & St. Joseph Parish Purgatorial Society
& First Friday Intention Request FormRemember the Holy Souls in Purgatory…
Purgatorial Society
This is an informal, essentially unorganized group of parishioners who enroll themselves as part of an ongoing apostolate of prayer for the dead. It’s a type of “spiritual association,” if you will. What does this informal commitment entail?
- Enroll yourself for a year or a lifetime. No one is keeping track; it is simply a personal offering. You can commit to pray a Rosary every Monday for the Faithful Departed, and assist the Holy Souls in Purgatory with your Masses, devotions, and good works.
Ongoing Registration List of the Deceased
- You can also use this registration form to add names to the list of deceased each month in the ongoing list.
- Parishioners may also drop off names of recently deceased family or friends to be included in the bundle each month.
- Names will be bundled each month for First Friday Mass intentions; use the registration form below to enroll names of deceased for monthly. Parishioners may also drop off names at the parish office to be included in the bundle each month.