St Joseph | CCD

“But Jesus called to him, saying, ‘Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God.'”

–Luke 18:16



Open to Gr. 3-6.

The 2024-2025 Year is off to a new start. We’re excited to welcome you!

The CCD program is designed to help children develop a personal relationship with God the Father, through the person of Jesus Christ, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. A solid foundation of love for Scripture and an understanding of our Catholic faith provides a base for a life of service to God and the Church. Kids find a sense of community and belonging like nowhere else among their brothers and sisters in Christ.

We strongly encourage all children not otherwise in sacramental classes to attend. If we take time to make ongoing faith formation a treasured part of their developmental years, we can help build a life-long habit!

Children currently in 6th grade must complete a year of CCD in order to be confirmed in 7th grade. It is necessary to have a general knowledge of our Faith, the Scripture, and Catholic Prayer before entering Confirmation.

Tuition for the year is $50; this one-time fee helps pay for snacks, supplies, and curriculum materials. We use Discover! curriculum, which comes with a colorful Catholic children’s Bible for each student that corresponds to the lessons. Click to preview: Gr. 3-5 | Gr. 6


There will be two classes this year, held at the same time. All classes meet Fridays from 4:00-5:30 pm in the St Joseph Parish Hall.

  • Class 1: Gr. 3
  • Class 2: Gr. 4-6 (Confirmation prep class)



Morgan Nolan | SJ Youth Minister | 360-460-5510 |

Dcn. Dan Powers | 949-545-8279 |