“Let us remember that love lives through sacrifice and is nourished by giving. Without sacrifice, there is no love.” -St. Maximilian Kolbe
Online Giving
From a heart of gratitude, we give our time, talents, and treasure.
Our parishes depend on the generous stewardship of the faithful. Easily set up your tithing online, for automated or one-time donations with your debit or credit card. Choose your campus below:
Current Recurring Online Gifts
During our transition to the new Pushpay donation system, our old system, Greater Giving, will be gradually phased out. To cancel your current recurring gift, and get started on the new platform, please contact the parish office as soon as possible.
Thank you so much for your continued generosity, and may God bless you!
Stewardship comes from a heart of gratitude.
The spark of faith originates in God but is transmitted by His body, the Church–that means us. In order that others may know, love, and serve the Lord, we must first communicate that knowledge, love, and service to them by example. As stewards, we care for the gifts God has given us. This includes the support of our parish’s efforts to carry out Christ’s mission financially as well as physically and spiritually.
What is tithing?
Tithing has been a reality for the people of God since before the days of Abraham. We make an offering back to the Lord of what He has given us, as a way of thanking Him and of showing our reliance on and trust in His provision. Traditionally this has meant giving 10% of all personal income, but this percentage may vary up or down depending on our circumstances. What matters most is that we give with a cheerful heart, acknowledging that God is the source of all our earthly goods. We are His hands and feet, His body, doing His work here on earth.
“What do you have that you did not receive? And if you received it, why do you boast as if it were not a gift?” – 1 Cor. 4:7b
We provide this method of online giving as an option to fulfill your stewardship commitment in a safe, secure and convenient way using your bank debit or credit card. Online giving helps you maintain your giving even if you cannot be here at Mass. This also helps the parishes streamline our cash flow, especially during bad weather or vacation times.
Each month, registered parishioners are sent weekly donation envelopes to help facilitate their tithing practices. If you are not currently receiving envelopes but would like to, please contact the parish offices.
Annual Catholic Appeal
Your annual pledge to the Archdiocese of Seattle can help make a real difference in the lives of many.
Click on the toggle below to learn more; or click the button to make your pledge online.
About the Annual Catholic Appeal.
Help the homeless, assist those in seminaries, care for retired and aging priests: the Annual Catholic Appeal supports over 60 different ministries and services in the archdiocese.
Click here to watch a video and read more about how these funds are used in our diocese.
How much should I pledge?
Please consider donating 1% of your income to support the Church in Western Washington through the Annual Catholic Appeal. You can make a one-time gift, or a monthly pledge for the coming year.
The reality is that some of your fellow parishioners will not be able to financially support the appeal this year. Would you consider a gift of $1 a day (or $365 or more total), to make up for those who cannot give?
Planned Giving | Wills & Estates
Planned Giving is an important part of estate planning. These bequests are arranged through wills, charitable gift annuities and charitable trusts, among other sources. Through prudent distribution of our financial blessings, we can work to build up God’s Kingdom, even after we have left this earth.
Please be a good steward of God’s gifts, and consider remembering Queen of Angels Parish, St. Joseph Parish, and Queen of Angels Catholic School in your will. Click below to learn more.